
Page 55.

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    Page 55.
      It was amusing, for me at least, to think that while I was their future, I was the one in tears hiding behind a closed door. It was cold in there, damn the broken radiator. I had certainly been in more luxurious places, more comfortable places, ones more to my taste, but then again haven't we all. In ones mind one can go anywhere, see anything and it doesn't even have to exist, not really. Ones mind is such a wonderful thing. It's so powerful. I picked up a tattered book off the dark carpet. Dark, it wasn't really a colour; it just was. It was every colour under the sun; every colour the eye could see; every colour that one could imagine; yet it was none of them at all. See, ones mind works in strange ways. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Not a book I read by choice, I despised it, but yet it still held so much, it commented on society, morality and life. It tempted society's true attitudes and values into the light, a spot light on the stage for all to see, naked like the creature that he made, left to fend for its self while it was scorned with such distain. Contempt. That was life. Good or bad? Right or wrong? Nice or nasty? Hot or cold? Stay or go? Run or hide? Live or die? One could never be sure where the monster lay, in which dark depths of mystery it decided to attempt to conceal its self. Where or when it would attack next? Who or why? How? I chucked the book violently at the wall, a page fell out. "I had selected his features as beautiful. Beautiful! Great God! ... now I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart." I leaned back against the door holding page 55, and giggled. I couldn't help it, it just bubbled out. Completely inappropriate of course, but when was a laugh like that appropriate. It could make or break anything. I put the ghastly book back on the shelf between H. Rider Haggard and Bram Stoker. I shivered. It was cold. My hands were purple. I needed to paint the nails on my right hand, black, like my make-up. Make-up that was, no doubt, streaming down my face in a torrent of salty, enzyme infested water; panda eyes; how wonderful. The light had faded and the room was now dark, but I didn't feel up to closing the window and the blinds and the curtains and switching the light on, I'd just sit in the dark. If the monster came to get me there, in the dark, I wouldn't see it coming. It was calm and peaceful and I guess, to a certain degree, safe. I shivered again and pulled my cardigan closed around me, down my arms and across my chest, I should protect the little beating thing in side my chest. Not that it helped me it just hurt and ached and bled. It wasn't full of horror and disgust, instead it was filled with anger and misplaced loyalties and pathetic hope. I lent forward and my hair fell around my face, warm locks of gold and bronze, but it wasn't that precious. I wasn't that precious; I was just a girl leaning against a door with make-up running down her face. I laughed again, cold this time, no warmth. A cackle, like a witch's. It reverberated around the room, bounced back and slapped me hard on the cheek, both cheeks. What was I becoming? Frankenstein's monster? A monster of my own making? Or theirs? A knock on the door made me jump. It reverberated up my back, followed by shivers that had nothing to do with the broken radiator. They'd gone out and I was alone in the house. I realised I still clutched page 55.
Another load of angry random dribble I'm afraid. I'm not sure where it came from.
I'm not sure whether the girl here is the same girl from Liquid Life [link] but it is entirely possible. I think it might be.
P.S. I apologise for any grammatical or spelling errors, if you find them please let me know and I'll change them.
P.S.2. I honestly do not like Frankenstein it just seemed appropriate.

Now to English homework...
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scarlet-cullen's avatar
Awesome, as always! ...aside from the bringing back bad memories from painful English lessons :P